Nobleland Arts N Learning Place integrates fine arts and performing arts into our curriculum to provide a strong foundation for our children’s success in school and in life.
The brain is most active during the early years. Learning through the arts help to create and strengthen those neural connections for a more efficient brain development! With this process, our children develop curiosity and creativity, whilst building self- discipline, self-esteem and resilience.
27 April & 11 May (Saturday) 2019 • 9:00am to 2:00pm
Nobleland Arts N Learning Place provides children aged 18 months to 6 years old with active and joyful learning experiences through an Award- Winning Arts Integrated curriculum and programme.
Kindermusik is the world’s most renowned music education for young children from 0-6 years old. Music and movement are powerful learning tools for engaging children. Come and experience music through lots of singing, movements and instrumental play.
Run, run as fast as you can to join the fun-filled Gingerbread man cookery! There is no better way to learn than through play and exploration. That is why cookery is such a wonderful shared experience. While following the steps in the recipe, children have lots of opportunities to practice their language, social skills and to learn about the science of cooking. Best of all, the children get to make their very own gingerbread man and bring it home.
Strengthen your kids’ literacy (Chinese) through creative dance moves! Kids will explore dance movements while learning about Chinese poetry, songs and rhymes. It builds up their artistic expression, creativity, enhances motor skills and allows them to appreciate the Chinese culture better.
It’s “Squishy Circuit” Time! Did you know that play dough can be used to create electric circuits? Come and learn through inquiry in this hands- on science experiment! Children will have fun exploring ‘Electric Play Dough’ and how it can be used as a conductor for electricity. Nobleland is proud to be selected to be a mentor for ECDA’s Science Centre Collaboration Project ‘Electric Corner’. We would be integrating arts in inquiry and Chinese teaching too.
一条线,一个圆,像魔法,变出好多好多 惊奇又好玩的玩具! 线线虫爱跳舞,跳的舞叫“圆圆舞”,圆 圆舞爱唱歌,听听它在唱什么? 这一天,大手加小手,叫醒线线虫, 线线 虫转圈圈,圈圈一下子,变圆圆;圆圆一 下子,变豆子;豆子一下子,又变眼睛, 眼睛变大大,一下子,大大脸饼看着我, 叫了一声“哇!好美的圆圆舞!”
We create platforms for kids to do Values in Action Projects and bring learning out of classroom to facilitate Education for Sustainable Development. Collaborating with organizations such as Singapore Science Centre, National Heritage Board, National Design Centre, National Arts Council, Wolf Trap Institute of Early Learning through the Arts, Wildlife Singapore and Npark to enhance children’s learning.